This extraordinary new way to experience the course is sure to entice almost everyone to play more golf, plus at the same time attract a whole new generation of golfers. The GolfBoard provides players the same independence and freedom as walking, but with much greater speed and excitement.
Dramatically increases the pace-of-play leading to more frequency of rounds played. Two rounds on the GolfBoard can be played under 5 hours!
Reduces course wear-and-tear: Weighing 115 lbs., the GolfBoard delivers 30% less impact on your turf than a single golf cart. GolfBoard was designed with turf sustainability in mind. Incorporating 4WD technology to evenly distribute power to the GolfBoard's 11" by 4" turf tires, virtually eliminates ‘tire-spin’ and damaged turf - even on dewy mornings or damp conditions.
The GolfBoard requires minimal maintenance. Utilizing the latest in lithium-ion battery technology, there is absolutely no battery servicing required. The modular design of the GolfBoard allows for easy and quick replacement of worn parts, resulting in minimal down time, and maximum board productivity.
The GolfBoard comes with many built-in safety features, including an automatic parking brake that activates when a golfer steps off the board, and a fully enclosed drivetrain that protects hands and fingers from moving parts. Being such a new idea to the world of golf, we realize that safety and liability will be a concern for many golf courses. The GolfBoard has been designed to optimize safety and ease of use. After extensive field testing, and verification of our quality control and testing procedures, GolfBoard has obtained general liability insurance from The Hartford and excess liability coverage from AIG. Additionally, with the assistance of KPD Insurance, our clients have been able to secure general liability insurance for their course or resort which includes GolfBoarding through Philadelphia Insurance and other insurance providers for a low additional premium. GolfBoard also provides comprehensive new user on-boarding procedures, a detailed safety video, plus free access to its waiver & release data capture system to help golf courses implement a safe and popular GolfBoarding program.
Join courses across the country in leveraging the GolfBoard to increase consumer interest and revenue. Contact us to learn more about our attractive lease packages and available financing.
Q: What about insurance?
A: General liability Insurance is something that most golf courses already have, and GolfBoarding should be added to your policy. The GolfBoard should be treated very similar to golf carts by most insurance providers. SolBoards Inc. has already secured a $1M general liability policy, and a $1M excess liability policy. We have developed a detailed safety training video, which all new riders watch prior to operating a GolfBoard. After viewing the safety video, new users are also required to sign a liability release acknowledging that they understand the operation and safety principles.
Q: Why should I replace my carts with a fleet of GolfBoards if so much of our membership is older?
A: GolfBoards are a supplement to your golf carts, and will provide your club with an opportunity to bring in new membership and give you a competitive advantage over neighboring facilities. The GolfBoard is nothing like a traditional skateboard or snowboard. It is easy and intuitive to operate, and a lot more stable than first time riders might expect. We have seen older players who have no riding experience try the GolfBoard, and end up riding comfortably after just a few minutes of practice. GolfBoards also take up less space in between use, charge faster, and greatly reduce the maintenance costs compared to regular golf carts.
Q: Won't GolfBoards tear up the grass?
A: Not at all! GolfBoards use the same turf tires found on standard golf course maintenance equipment. The combined weight of the rider and GolfBoard is approximately 800 pounds less than that of a golf cart, greatly reducing soil compaction and turf stress. Our boards use a proprietary 4 wheel-drive system allowing power to be distributed to all 4 wheels equally, reducing turf wear. The board’s smooth acceleration ensures a fluid increase in speed that won’t cause turf-damaging burnouts.
Q: What if a golfer has never ridden a skate/snow/surfboard before; will they be able to use the GolfBoard?
A: Absolutely! The beauty of the GolfBoard is that it was designed to be a high performance machine that is easy enough for anyone to use. Once riders position themselves on the board, they use the bar-mounted thumb throttle to control the acceleration and braking, and by simply leaning side to side, they control the turning of the GolfBoard. The GolfBoard controls feature a low/high speed switch, allowing beginner riders to practice and increase their confidence riding while in the low speed mode, traveling at a maximum of 6 mph. The stability bar/bag holder provides an added point of control that provides confidence and security to even the most inexperienced riders.
Q: What type of terrain/surfaces can these boards handle?
A: One of the great things about the GolfBoard is that is was designed to handle every type of terrain and surface you can throw under it! From steep grassy slopes and paved trails, to soft turf terrain and loose gravel. Not only will these boards handle these terrains, but their large turf tires will keep all of them in beautiful condition.
Q: How are the boards powered and charged?
A: The boards are powered by a compact 50.4 volt lithium battery pack, built into the base of the board. The lithium batteries used in GolfBoards are lighter, more powerful, and last much longer than lead acid batteries and require zero maintenance. Charging the boards takes approximately 2.2 hours, allowing the boards to spend more time out on the course. The cost for a full recharge is around $ 0.10. The batteries can be cycled (fully drained and charged) well over 1,000 times, giving the battery packs a life of up to 3,500 rounds of golf!
Q: What are the financing and leasing options for GolfBoards?
A: We want to give all courses big and small alike a chance to carry our boards, which is why we offer a large variety of purchasing and leasing options, with financing available for most. If purchasing a fleet of GolfBoards isn’t for you, our leasing options may be what you need to get started with a GolfBoard fleet. Our packages are catered to the specific needs of each golf course, so please contact us with your requirements and we can build a package just for you!